The Importance of Having the Right Dumpster For Your Business

Dilapidated industiral dumpster in back of factory

“Give me something I can work with” has been said by workers many times. It applies to dumpsters, even– yes, dumpsters. You see, it’s important to have the right dumpster for your business. Otherwise you could be wasting time, money and effort while garbage or recyclables pile up and create an unnecessary mess on your property– ugh.

Basically, you want dumpsters that fit your needs. You also could utilize the right bins and carts to move stuff around, as well as any other equipment that helps do the job efficiently, such as a compactor.

The Right Dumpster Can Help You Save Money

All businesses want to save money. Yours does, right? Instead of just accepting the dumpster a “haul it away” company places on your property, work with that company to fight for the right sized dumpster and/or the right number of dumpsters so that you’re not wasting money. Also, if they give you a huge dumpster that’s not getting filled all the way each week, but you’re still paying for all that volume you’re not really using, negotiate with the hauling company in order to make things appropriate. You’d be surprised how many businesses just accept what’s given to them and never speak up– but they’re wasting money.

If you’re not currently doing some recycling, now’s the time to start. Not only does it help the planet and cut carbon emissions, but recycling means less material is being dumped in the trash. That means less waste being trucked to landfills. Recycle what you can, and you might even be able to sell recycled materials to make some money off the stuff you would have otherwise tossed in the garbage.

Finally, take some time to look at how your business handles waste. Is it effective? Is it smart? How could it be done better? Maybe it’s just a small change, like adding a dumpster or an additional pick-up per week, or maybe the system could stand to be overhauled in a major way. Either way, just taking the time to analyze your waste management can lead to a more cost-effective, efficient process that helps save money and the environment.

Want to know more about trash compaction and recycling equipment? Call Salt Lake City’s Action Compaction Equipment at 801-565-1033 for more info.