How a Piian Odor Control System Can Benefit Your Business

control unit on wall in commercial building

Do you work at a place that sometimes has a foul odor? Does your garbage smell really bad sometimes? If so, you might want to look into a Piian odor control system to solve industrial odors immediately. Piian odor neutralizer is a safe, all-natural odor control agent that, when atomized, destroys odors associated with sewage and garbage. Meeting EPA and USDA guidelines, Piian odor neutralizer gets atomized into or around odor sources using a high pressure mist system, a heavy duty vaporizing system or a mini vaporizer system. Is it a perfume? No. Is it a harsh chemical treatment? No. Instead it’s made from food grade ingredients that are safe to handle and come into contact with– it’s a biodegradable and ecologically harmless way to eliminate bad, foul-smelling odors.

The Best Places for Piian Odor Control Units

Where do commercial and industrial companies often find odor problems? Well, trash chutes, wastewater, compost piles, garbage compactors and recycling bins can all end up smelling bad. Neighbors might complain if they live near a stinky site. Plus, workers don’t want to be around bad smells either, right?

Action Compaction Equipment of Salt Lake City offers Piian odor control units that don’t just mask odors but break down odor causing molecules naturally. If you’re looking for a safe way to control odors in your trash bin storage areas or in/around your commercial or industrial waste compactor(s), consider something like the mini mist vaporizer system by Piian. It’s a fully-featured single nozzle odor control system that can neutralize odors in compactors, garbage chutes and/or air handling systems. Other options from Piian are available as well.

For more information about controlling odors safely and naturally with Piian products, please call Action Compaction Equipment at 801-565-1033 or email Action Compaction Equipment is located at 5415 W. 700 S. in Salt Lake City, Utah.